Lazima uwe mmoja wa jamii ya ili upakue rasilimali. Bofya vitufe vilivyo hapa chini ili uingie au ujisajili!
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Mmiliki wa Rasilimali | Compassion International |
The “Supplemental Curriculum Unit 11- I Can Explore God’s World,” helps children use discovery and inquiry to gain foundations in biology, the physical sciences, and environmental, ecological and technological foundations. The curriculum consists of two topics, “Exploring Science: Physical” and “Exploring Science: Earth and Space” with six learning center activities for each topic. The Supplemental Curriculum is based upon a learning center methodology and this curriculum offers specific directions and tools for how to utilize the learning centers as an extension of the learning experiences. This methodology provides age appropriate holistic child development opportunities for caregivers and children to be actively involved in learning together.
Mtandao wa, unaotolewa na shirika la Compassion International, hutoa mawazo, fursa za kujifunza na uhusiano ili kuwasaidia watu wanaofanya kazi na watoto walio katika mazingira hatarishi. Sisi ni jamii ya wafuasi wa Yesu duniani kote, jamii iliyojitolea kwa ajili ya ukuaji wa watoto kiujumla. Tunakukaribisha ujiunge nasi katika jamii hii yenye ushirikiano ili kushirikisha mawazo, uzoefu, mbinu na zana zinazowasaidia watoto kuimarika hata wakiwa katika changamoto.
Mtandao wa unatolewa na shirika la Compassion International, shirika lisilo la faida lililosajiliwa 501(c)3. Nyenzo, kozi, na majadiliano yote yanakusudiwa kwa matumizi ya elimu peke yake, na sio kwa faida.