Lazima uwe mmoja wa jamii ya ili upakue rasilimali. Bofya vitufe vilivyo hapa chini ili uingie au ujisajili!
Kategoria | Miongozo ya mafunzo kwa Kanisa |
Copyright Owner | Compassion International |
Qavah is a Hebrew word which means "binding together, eagerly waiting, hoping for and expecting." This term captures a sense of optimism and hope, along with the idea of working together, which is essential for positive, lasting change to take place. Compassion International, a non-profit organization dedicated to releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name, has been championing holistic child development for over sixty years. Recognizing that child-focused ministry sits in the context of families and communities, Compassion created Qavah. Qavah is a series of resources for local churches, which seeks to build their capacity to work with and respond to community needs. The series consists of one guide, eight briefing papers, six manuals, and supporting resources. Click on the links below to begin exploring Qavah and to learn how a mobilized church can have the greatest impact on its community.
Mtandao wa, unaotolewa na shirika la Compassion International, hutoa mawazo, fursa za kujifunza na uhusiano ili kuwasaidia watu wanaofanya kazi na watoto walio katika mazingira hatarishi. Sisi ni jamii ya wafuasi wa Yesu duniani kote, jamii iliyojitolea kwa ajili ya ukuaji wa watoto kiujumla. Tunakukaribisha ujiunge nasi katika jamii hii yenye ushirikiano ili kushirikisha mawazo, uzoefu, mbinu na zana zinazowasaidia watoto kuimarika hata wakiwa katika changamoto.
Mtandao wa unatolewa na shirika la Compassion International, shirika lisilo la faida lililosajiliwa 501(c)3. Nyenzo, kozi, na majadiliano yote yanakusudiwa kwa matumizi ya elimu peke yake, na sio kwa faida.